agencia de marketing blue water - Una visión general

agencia de marketing blue water - Una visión general

Blog Article

27."Medical marijuana" means marijuana and marijuana products which satisfy the requirements of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 21-28.6 and have been given metamarketing the designation of "medical marijuana" by DBR due to dose, potency, form or other characteristic. Medical marijuana products are only available for use by patient cardholders and may only be sold to or possessed by patient cardholders, or their registered caregiver, or authorized purchaser in accordance with the Act.

c.Must only be used for the purpose of identifying the compassion center selling and/or the cultivator(s) producing the product.

CDestruction of marijuana and marijuana materials other than waste generated in the regular course of processing and/or manufacturing (such Vencedor destruction of whole plants, wet, or usable marijuana that are found to be in excess of statutory possession limits or destruction of a contaminated batch of medical marijuana product) shall be in a manner acceptable to DBR, which may include consultation with law enforcement.

5.Be displayed in a bright yellow box Figura to stand trasnochado from other labeling requirements, unless otherwise stated.

3.Unless DBR issues notice otherwise permitting new license applications, only Micro-license, Class A, and Class B applications will be accepted. An applicant who is considering eventually applying to operate a larger facility may detail any such plan on the application.

1.If an applicant seeking to operate Figura a licensed cultivator is notified that its application has been approved by DBR, it shall complete the below steps before a cultivator license will be issued.

1.DBR will evaluate applicants based upon the information provided by applicants on the application forms/submissions and otherwise obtained during the application process.

1.Records pertaining to transactions occurring within the last six (6) months shall be stored on the licensed premises. Records dating further back may be stored off the premises with DBR’s approval.

3.Multiple single serving units may be placed together into a single child resistant and resealable package, so long Vencedor the active THC per package does not exceed one hundred (100) mgs.

e.All surveillance recordings must be kept for a minimum of sixty (60) calendar days. Video recordings shall not be destroyed if the compassion center or licensed cultivator knows or should have known of a pending criminal, civil or administrative investigation or any other proceeding for which the recording may contain relevant information.

2.Any other manufacturing method must be approved by DBR. If the manufacturing method uses a flammable/combustible material or heat source, the method must also be approved by the State Fire Marshal and/or Particular fire department.

2.DBR shall verify the information contained in the application or renewal and shall approve or deny an application or renewal within thirty-five (35) days of receiving a complete application.

(1)A batch of dried marijuana means marijuana that is cultivated utilizing the same growing practices, harvested within a 72-hour period at the same location and cured under uniform conditions.

D.At the time of application for medical marijuana designation, the marijuana establishment licensee shall submit any known health impacts, both positive and negative, associated with the product to DBR.

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